The Key to Your Team’s Work-Life Balance

Whether you want to protect your team’s downtime, block interruptions for focused work, or remove the temptation to check email every few minutes, Inbox Pause can help.


Keep your team less distracted

Offer your team a tool to help reduce stress and email anxiety, promote digital wellness, and create a more engaged workforce.


Help disconnect after hours

Set company or team level controls to pause email inboxes after hours. Ensure that your team wellness policies are adhered to, promote work-life balance, and prevent burnout.


Maximize productivity

Enable your team to allocate dedicated 'Focus Time' in their schedule for deep, strategic work, and foster a culture of focused innovation and uninterrupted concentration.


Stop your team from constantly checking emails

Streamline email notifications for your team members, reducing distractions and empowering your team to concentrate on their core functions.

Reshape your organizational email culture to move away from the expectation of constant connectivity.


Ultimate inbox control for your team

Align email interruptions with individual and team preferences by customizing a schedule to pause, unpause or get new emails Promote a work environment where focus and efficiency are prioritized along with flexibility for each individual.

Prevent burnout in your organization

Or try it yourself for free on Gmail, Outlook, iOS, or Android

Set a culture of work-life balance for your team

Whether you want to protect your team’s downtime, block interruptions for focused work, or remove the temptation to check email every few minutes, Inbox Pause can help.

Enhance focus and productivity

Reduce burnout

Improve work-life balance

Encourage digital wellness

Everything you need to manage your team

Manage users, grant permissions, and set up team schedules all from one centralized admin platform.


Security you can depend on

  • SOC2 Type 2 Certified
  • Safeguards company data
  • Meets compliance requirements
  • Trusted by Google and Microsoft

The Key to Your Team’s Wellness and Productivity

Prevent burnout and foster well-being by using Inbox Pause to help your employees disconnect from work emails, allowing them to protect downtime and recharge effectively.

Or try it yourself for free on Gmail, Outlook, iOS, or Android

Set boundaries with Inbox Pause, then get more done with Boomerang’s other features

Boomerang has everything teams need to manage email and schedule meetings more effectively:
